Selected Session

Guiding new users through baby steps (15 min)

Martin Quested (martin_q)
Level of expertise
Session Type
Lightning talk (15min)
Coding & Development
Time Slot

Congratulations, you installed Drupal.  What now?  The question of how to get new users up and running has seen a number of different solutions and proposals.  Drupal's power and capabilities mean a plethora of choices and decisions... so where should a beginner start, and how do they find this out?  For our users, with little or no previous computer experience at all, we decided to reduce the choices to one decision at a time.  To walk people through the early decisions, we've created a wizard out of parts of site configuration forms and bundled it into our own install profile.  Later, when we needed to support our training staff to go through all the steps of a complex workflow that is only used occasionally, we created another wizard to save them having to memorize it.

In this talk I will explain and demonstrate the Simplestep module, which provides a flexible way to create custom wizards from any combination of existing and new forms and their elements.  Developed as a Drupal 7 API, the scope for both porting it to D8 and for creating a custom wizard creation GUI are both areas that could be discussed following the demonstration.